COVID-19 Privacy Resources

Latest Privacy Guidance and Helpful Information for Companies Focused on Reopening

The global pandemic caused by COVID-19 has affected most companies, with many of them needing to change how they operate.


In light of the uncertainty, we’ve provided you with COVID-19 data privacy resources and solutions to give you the latest guidance and other helpful information.

Key Questions Companies Should Consider when Reopening during the COVID-19 Pandemic:

Can I require employees to return to the office?


Can I require temperature screenings of all who enter our facilities?

Can I require employees to use a contract tracing or exposure notification app?

Can I require employees to report exposure?

Can I require employees to report that they have been diagnosed?

Can I require reporting that a member of the household has been diagnosed?

What information can I share regarding an infected member of the workforce?

How should I evaluate and control ongoing remote work data leakage risks?

TrustArc Covid Contact Tracing

COVID-19: Complying with Local Contact Tracing RequirementsNEW

Most jurisdictions have some element of a requirement to contact trace guests, visitors and/or customers of an establishment. This is most notable in the restaurant and hospitality sector, but can also extend to businesses required to track the presence of non-employees.

TrustArc COVID-19 eBook

COVID-19: Privacy Risks & ConsiderationseBOOK

As the conversation shifts from how to create a remote workforce to how to reopen the physical office, this eBook provides privacy risk guidance for businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Comparison ChartNEW

The COVID-19 Comparison provides summarized analysis from 100 regulators on the following topics:

  • Whether certain legal exceptions apply, such as for public health, healthcare, public interests, or vital interests
  • What can be collected from employees and visitors
  • Requirements related to disclosure of confirmed cases
  • Processing of location data
Covid Summary Chart

Regional Maps

Regulators’ Guidance on Return to Work After COVID-19 for the United States, Canada, and European Union & United Kingdom.



Looking for more research?

TrustArc has made its 200+ COVID-19 research references available for companies to learn more and decide on the best course of action.

Sign up now for a free trial today!

TrustArc Covid-19 References
Additional Resources


TrustArc’s COVID-19 Privacy Resources

  • Providing guidance for employers navigating privacy and security issues; and
  • Discussing the privacy implications of new mobile technologies tracking individuals to prevent the virus’ spread.


TrustArc’s COVID-19 Privacy Resources

  • Listen to a two-part episode of TrustArc’s Serious Privacy podcast on COVID-19 in your favourite podcast app or on our website


TrustArc’s COVID-19 Privacy Resources

  • Rewatch our COVID-19 webinar to learn how employers can ensure good data protection and governance practices in these special times.